Who we are

Who we are

We work to improve the lives of local disadvantaged and marginalised Albanian people by providing the support and opportunities they need to build better lives for themselves and their families.

What we do

Tek Ura recruits, deploys and supports small teams, who develop community centres and learning hubs as ‘bridges’ to various forms of holistic mission in areas of social deprivation and marginality. We strive to make a real and lasting difference to the quality of life of local people by promoting community cohesion, encouraging healthier lifestyles, improving access to education, tackling isolation and addressing the 
root causes of poverty. We run a range of facilities, groups and activities that benefit local residents from all walks of life. Our team of locally-based employees and volunteers deliver targeted community projects that address specific areas of need.

Our ambitions

Since our formation in 2016, we’ve made a real difference by providing a variety of services that people turn to when they need help, building a relevant expression of church, a rehab clinic and sensory therapy services, tackling loneliness and division by bringing people together, assistance in finding a job, a safe place to learn after school, to name just some of the ways. It is the long-term aspiration of Tek Ura to develop into a Christian community anchor organisation that impacts communities throughout Albania:

• sitting at the heart of a community, with excellent knowledge of that community from which to devise tailored activities, services, facilities and support

• is able to affect long term social change and community empowerment

• works to provide holistic solutions to local problems and challenges, bringing out the best in people and agencies

• is there for the long term, not just the quick fix, helping to provide effective solutions to complex social problems and issues

Founded in 2016, by British missionaries and Albanians, we’re a registered Albanian charity (L61405452M)

Church Icon
Icon Programs

3 parts of Tek Ura

Christian faith community an inclusive cell church ‘Komuniteti i Besimit tek Ura’

Community centre a connecting place for all people to belong in community

Development agency providing services in health, education, social welfare and relief