A word from our trustees
We continue to work with some of the most vulnerable people in Albania. Many members of the community work within the informal employment sector, with no social welfare benefits or contract for job security. Their income varies from day to day depending upon whether work can be found. Tek Ura continues to reach out to the most marginalised, including Albania’s Romani and Egyptian communities, and people with complex disabilities, some of the most at-risk groups in the country. The pandemic has seen people from these groups protest at the lack of food and electricity. Increasing numbers have no income whatsoever. Many live hand-to-mouth, from selling metal cans and plastic bottles they recover from the rubbish bins, streets, and the river.
Despite the immense challenges faced by so many of our friends and neighbours, there is an exceptional richness, diversity and beauty in our community. Our year has been filled with remarkable stories of how in the face of adversity, our community has held to our values, and the hope we have. We've been able to celebrate hope and joy, that we are valued by God, even in the toughest of times. We've seen barriers broken that separate, and witnessed refugees, carers, older people and children, from diverse backgrounds be included in community. And, we've supported people to develop their potential and grasp opportunities they have, despite the odds they face.
We celebrated 'turning 5' this year and we're incredibly grateful for the commitment over the years from our exceptional team, volunteers and partners. This year, we've continued to evolve our structure from a traditional model to something that better celebrates our team diversity and talents, empowers people and offers everyone better opportunities to reach their full potential. We've built stronger local partnerships, signed State contracts, and been more successful at aligning with civic programmes. In 2021, we've also taken on more interns and students than ever before, and established a reputation as a placement opportunity for professional students.
Our strategy in the first 5 years served us well. However, as we head into 2022 we want to capture what's been learnt and reflect on future needs, as expressed in our community consultation. Next year our trustees and leadership team will take some time out to update our strategy, ensuring that we continue to see communities that are flourishing.
Irena Crawford, on behalf of the Trustees
Taken from our Impact Report 2021/22