What is ‘Komuniteti i Besimit tek Ura’?
Dan Dupree is a pastor and pioneer behind our emerging church community in Kafja e Rremes. Tek Ura now hosts week church cells (known as faith communities) that have grown and become more established. Dan reflects on these developments:
‘We don’t all get together on Sundays but we’re more like micro churches meeting in the week - the groups have a vibrancy about life and faith. People have tended to join because they have known someone else in the group.
In terms of identity, it’s noticeable how group members have started to use the term family when talking about us. Many of the people who come may not have had a strong family life and/or friendship available to them - and so have found that in this community where relationships have deepened. Increasing that is leading them to finding more of themselves in God’s family and God.
It’s great to be involved in God’s mission with his church - two cells have emerged quickly and now meet regularly in Tek Ura’s community hub. But what’s more encouraging is how we have seen relationships deepening and people being reconciled. Those who would once not sit at the same table are now sharing a meal together. People who were once divided due to social status are now serving one another.’
Once a month the faith community cells gather together for a joint meeting as a cluster. I would agree with one of our volunteers who recently remarked how the group is become more cohesive - at least 40 people of different ages and backgrounds are sharing a meal, sharing stories from scripture, seeking understanding, through conversation and prayer. It’s really exciting to see Christ in the connecting points in our discussions in community.
Dan underlines how being joined up with other Christians both locally and globally remains important:
‘How we do things might seem different to other churches, but for us, we have our values with Jesus very much at the centre. We also recognise that we’re a small part of his much wider church - and therefore the involvement of others from other local churches, and the bigger global family is important. ‘
As we enter 2019, we are looking to start new cells, as God does something wonderful with this community – look out for updates!